No need to rehash the past bullshit because plenty of present bullshit has happened. First off, this is my blog, where I can post what I want. Bitch, talk shit, be emotional or be a bitch. Its a way to get my feelings out without having to explain to individuals what is up with me. This is me 100%.
Now, with that being brother, David, has shown his true colors and how sick and twisted he truly is..
I heard he was in the hospital with breathing problems, high blood pressure etc. He had surgery and is now on a heart monitor. We dont speak but I decided to be a decent person and send him a get well text. He responded shitty, I responded was done and over with, he could be on his deathbed and I wouldnt blink an eye of concern at this point. He told me to go to hell so be it.
This past week, out of the blue, I get notifications that his "gf/illegitimate baby momma" has liked 2 of my posts on Instagram. Therefore obviously stalking my social media..for what reason? Who the fuck knows. I havent spoken of her in over a year nor did I plan to. She is trash and why waste my time? Right? When I saw this, I laughed and then got kind of WTF about it. Her psycho level is starting to show. Yea, I can be petty so I decided to entertain this. I posted a meme about being a homewrecker, knowing she would see it...letting her know I was aware she was being a creepy stalker. The stupid little girl decided to MESSAGE me directly on IG. Really?! I proceeded to tell her she is a psycho, etc..she acted oblivious about her creeping on my shit until I showed her screenshots. Her response "Bye. lol" Okkkkkkkkkk! She had to specifically search my name on social media. We have no mutual friends on any platform. She saw my blog by obviously clicking on my links on FB or IG. I dont care about that. The fact that she literally types my name in to search for me proves she is a psycho stalker who clearly needs to get some hobbies. Let your crazy shine, BITCH!
David seems to hate drama so I decided to email him to get his girl in check. Showed him the screenshots detailing how SHE began this back and forth and how SHE came at me first. Hoping he would tell her to stop her childish shit. Oh how wrong I was!
We exchanged emails back and forth and in these emails, I truly saw how mentally unstable he is. How DELUSIONAL and NARCISSISTIC he really is. Like a SEVERE clinical case. This sorry ass mother fucker tries to throw some past shit in my face from over 20 yrs ago that he THINKS went on. He was not in my life then. He saw me once a year at Moms for holiday get togethers. I sure as shit would never give him details on how my life was going. Here is a comical example.....he accused me of having sex with a man in a hotel room with my baby in a carseat in the room...Number 1. That never happened Number 2. Lets say it did...HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE KNOW?! Because I reported details of my life like that to him? LOLOL!! No one in their right mind would divulge those details to ANYONE lol This is what I mean by he is DELUSIONAL. He asked me how many abortions Ive had..NONE. He was mistaken me for someone else we know. Like the shit in his head is soooo off but the sick part is he believes this stuff really happened and happened how he says. We barely saw each other and barely talked from the time we were teenagers! So why would he think he knows anything about my life or how it went? He has chosen to go back and forth in emails being cruel as hell, talking about my life when I had babies. My kids are now grown and FUCKING AMAZING young women. Why he feels talking shit about the way past is beyond me. He is wrong but whatever I went through in my life or whatever my kids went through, they came out PRETTY DAMN GOOD and that is what matters. He actually called my daughter names in this email! WHO DOES THAT?! He wants to talk about appearances yet his gf is fat as fuck and so is he...oxymoron, for sure.
The things he spewed made me literally question his sanity because they were so out of reality, I was shocked at his take on things. Where things got disgusting is this mother fucker BLAMED ME for our mother's suicide. He went on to say that Ive only disappointed and embarrassed my mother to the point it killed her. That could not be further from the truth. He was never around for our mother. The last thing she said to him when she saw him, over a month before she died, was that he was getting fat. Mind you, he passed her exit every single day to and from work. He only called her to tell her his work accomplishments. Never to tell her hi or see how she was. Again, something he would never take responsibility for. I can handle him calling me names, trash, whore, etc...but for him to say that had me shook. Not in an upset way but in a disgusted way. How much hatred do you have to have in your heart to tell your sister she was an embarrassment to the point their Mom killed herself?! He gave a million reasons why mom killed herself and put them all on me, while at the same time, praised his own self proclaimed perfect life. You are an ex convict who went to prison. You hated me so much back then, you left me your truck to take care of when you were in prison. Youre such a selfish asshole, no one knew you got arrested until the day before your trial and sentencing. You left home at 16 because you refused to stop doing drugs. You cheated on your girlfriend of 10 yrs, then cheated on your wife twice and had 2 other kids, one of which you STILL have nothing to do with. You neglected your own family and threw them away for a girl half your age. You were NEVER a part of ours as a whole so who the fuck are you to say shit??? You have never done anything for anyone but yourself. You opened your restaurant with your inheritance and proceeded to treat your staff like shit. Its plain as day on your reviews that have been left on Yelp and Facebook...oh yea, I guess you forgot that your business FB page is attached to my old account seeing as YOU had me set it up for you 4 years ago, yet you say we havent had a relationship since 2009. You accused me of living off of Moms death dipshit, we all got the same amount and if you had ANY clue which you clearly dont, you would know that the money I got from Moms inheritance was gone years ago. SO TRY AGAIN. Im not the one that STOLE our other brother's inheritance for yourself to use and to give your mistress part of...HIS MONEY. You want to criticize my marriage because you arent capable of having a marriage worth anything. Lets thank our absentee father for that...the one you think you are so close to but know nothing about yet you take after him in every way possible. Not a good thing or in a good way. So ignorant towards everyone that you gave the funeral home my name as Brooke Brown when I had been married for 3 years to Sean so on mom's obituary, it has my wrong name. Again, your ignorance and stupidity proven. You wanted to step up when Mom died...because you know you were a shitty son when she was alive. Pretty perfect life you have....SHIIIIIIT!
Disgusting comment #2 by my Hispanic brother with 2 half African American kids and an African American girlfriend (which surprised us all because he was a huge racist back in the day and used the N word regularly) decided to call me a GOOK! A FUCKING GOOK! Are you kidding me????? Again, OXYMORON. Kind of goes along with the voicemail he left me a year ago calling me white trash....he left this vm for me IN FRONT of his 10 yr old son. For those millenials that dont know this term, like my daughters lol...a gook is a racial slur towards Asians in the same context as the N word. That doesnt surprise me really but it was shocking to see how low he has stooped. Especially at 46 yrs old.
Click below for an example of what I am dealing with. I think I added it right lol If the window says download to hear, do it..promise its just a sound bite audio
After his last email, it dawned on me how sick he really is. It hit me that he is literally projecting his guilt for being a crappy son/husband/father/human onto me and blaming me for everything. He cant look at how disappointing he was to our mother. He refuses to see that being successful in the working world means shit to a mother who just wants a child's love. You can be a millionaire but if youre neglecting family and being an absentee person, all the money in the world means shit. At this point, it was obvious he has conjured up events to make that projection stronger and more hateful. I was his scapegoat. Of course, he would never see it this way. One thing I did learn from Mom is ability to see beyond what people show you. I can read people from a mile away. By their words, actions, how they interact with people. My siblings and I always knew David was an asshole, it was just part of him. However, I now see what a deranged, SICK, narcissistic, delusional, HORRIBLE person he is. There are lines that should not be crossed. He crossed them. There are things that should not be said. He said them. Just to hurt me. The thing is, my blood pressure isnt boiling over like his from this. My heart isnt in bad shape because of this like his is. Im not hurt. A VERY tiny part of me pitys him because it must suck to be such a terrible human being. I feel sorry for his 4 kids that he has with his wife because I love them to death and their father is disgusting. The huge part of me just doesnt care anymore. If he died from a heart attack tomorrow, I would not go to the funeral and it wouldnt affect my life whatsoever. He chose this route. He chose to make this as ugly as its gotten. Did I feed into it? Yes I did only because I will NOT sit by and allow anyone to attack my character, my family and especially my kids. I dont give a fuck who you are. I am very blessed to have the amazing people in my life that I have. THANK YOU to those who listened to me during this BS and support me. Love you all! Those that choose to be poison can simply fuck off.
Our sister is NOT in the middle of this and I would never want or expect her to be. She can go on and be civil to them and she will. Her and I are fine. I showed her the emails only so she could see with her own two eyes the shit that came out of her brother. I can assure you that I have separated my relationship with her and I from my relationship or lack of, with our brother.
As far as his wife and I, we talk. We are close but I have also separated him from our relationship. She knows I support her and knows how much I love the kids and we update each other on our kids and thats about it. She knows Im at my wits end with David. The sad part is he blames her. He thinks she is "feeding" me info. First, she doesnt. Second, she wouldnt because I dont give a fuck and she knows this. Him being the narcissist that he is, of course he thinks all revolves around him. Sorry to disappoint. I DID tell her to hurry up with the divorce because David is in for one hell of a shock the day their divorce is finalized. Consequences for the clusterfuck of lies and bullshit. I wont tolerate this whatsoever so when everything is said, his reputation and his name will be blasted all over Atlanta. Guess when you are part of a HUGE city community and your name is well known, what you say matters and things do come back and bite you in the ass. Karma is nailing him...his health issues. Karma will kick his ass for the ugly heart he has. Im just gonna be an awesome sister and help it out a little :)
Is this petty? Yup! Is it vindictive? I would think so. Is it mean? Somewhat. BUT unless you live a crystal clear PERFECT life, you need to watch what you say and do to people because there are consequences to everything. I can and do let go of a lot of unnecessary drama. I forgive a lot. I choose to overlook a lot. Not this time. I dont care about the hateful, untrue words you said to me whatsoever. But you came for my kids, my marriage and worst of all, you disrespected MY mother's memory. Your day is coming and I will be waiting in the wings to laugh and smile because you FINALLY got what YOU deserve. I dont need to boast how perfect my life and family are. You do enough of that for the entire planet. I know, they know, my circle knows...knows me and how we live and who we are. You have no fucking clue...because you chose not to have one.
Yall, dont have an ugly heart. Dont be a disgusting person. Be mad, have arguments but never bring kids into it. Dont be a racist ignorant jerk. Own up to your mistakes and change to make you a better person. Living with such darkness and hatred is just unhealthy...and who knows, its known to cause health problems!
Love And Light, My Loves!!!!
People like him are what’s wrong with this world. Ugly on the inside = ugly on the outside.
ReplyDeleteLove you Brooke.
True story!!! Love you too 😘