Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Teachers Are Role Models

When I think of teachers, educators, adults that choose to work within the education system, I would like to think of these people as role models, motivators, adults that kids can respect and look up to..receive guidance from, trust and be supportive.

Seeing that my 3 kids were never problem kids in school as far as behavior, etc...maybe I am just blind to the way teachers interact with students these days. Of course Ive seen viral videos of students fighting with teachers, teachers degrading students but Ive never seen it or dealt with it firsthand. Ive also never heard of it being prominent in the schools my children have attended.

This morning was stressful for me. My daughter texts me that her teacher/coach is being rude. This "teacher" has ALWAYS been great with his filmers, very funny..very laid back and friendly..maybe weird even but the kids liked him. Of course I ask what happened. She calls me in tears..not just sniffling but stuttering through her tears telling me what happened. My child is not an emotional kid so when she's so pissed and upset to where she is crying, its pretty serious. I told her to go straight to the counselor's office where they really hustled to find her counselor seeing that she was so upset. This "teacher" is not even a certified teacher. He is a "coach" that ONLY deals with filmers at the school, which my kid has done the last 2 years for her PE credit. The way he talked to my child set me on fucking fire..like I was about to get dressed and drive there and confront this asshole to his face. During this incident, my daughter was told "Get out of here, just leave" ummm she was where the filmers go for first period. She said no so he told her to to the weight room...mind you, thats where the football team was working out...so she refused. The reason for him telling her to leave is yet to come. He said to her "GET OUT OF HERE, IM DONE WITH YOU" "You cant be in here so leave!" Where the fuck is she supposed to go seeing as THAT is exactly where she goes for first period?! ...ok so lets backtrack to yesterday. We were supposed to go out of town this past weekend but plans fell through. My child did the responsible thing and let her coach know that she couldnt film the game on Friday night. Keep in mind, this was her last home football game of her high school career and it was Senior night. We didnt go out of town so she went to the football game. Why wouldnt she? He had the game covered with filmers already. She goes to school Monday and gets greeted with "Hey Liar" and he continues to call her a liar numerous times. He is overheard telling someone "I just cant wait to hear her stupid excuses". 

After she called me this morning with what happened, I was DONE with HIM! How dare he talk to my child or any child like this?! What if she was a depressed student who hated life and then heard "IM DONE WITH YOU" with a hateful attitude from a TEACHER?! So I made a call to the school, then I made a direct call to him. He called me back and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! I went the fuck off like Ive never done before. He was like a cowering puppy. He apologized more times than I can count as I berated him for the way he dealt with my kid, telling him that he needs to communicate with his students instead of being a dick to them just because he's pissed. He was pissed because she was at the game and didnt let him know so he thought she lied about leaving town just so she didnt have to film. WRONG MOTHER FUCKER! That one is on ME! No, she doesnt have to report her entire life to you and you HAD that filming covered so wtf wouldnt she go to the game since she was able?! I was so livid! This dude has seemed a little off to me since Ive known of him. I will go as far as to say he is childish. As Im letting him know all of my issues, he is listening to my "suggestions" then he says "Youre right, I dont have kids so I really dont know how to deal with them" UMMMM WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WORKING AT A HIGH SCHOOL WHERE YOU INTERACT AND ARE IN CHARGE OF ....KIDS?!!!! UGH! Why am I having to tell YOU how to interact and deal with teenagers?! Needless to say, my mouth dropped then I continued to speak my mind. Those that know me can figure out how that went. I let him know that if he had any issues, if he just talked to my daughter, she would respond and if that became an issue, he shouldve called me...HER PARENT. Because that's what teachers do, they call parents if they have a problem with a student. They dont call names and act rude and mean just because they are pissed. My child is far from perfect and she has an attitude but no way in hell is any adult, much less her teacher, going to speak to her in the manner he did or say the things he said to her. I made it clear to him that my daughter's last semester of high school will NOT be fucked up because of this incident and I do NOT expect any repercussions from this phone call to fall on her. He understood...or I hope he did. Im not going to apologize for having my child's back when she did nothing wrong while a teacher decides to act like a child and talk down to her like she is shit. FUCK THAT! I will strip you of any dignity you have if you fuck with my kids. I dont know what will happen tomorrow but I am leaving that up to my daughter and her counselor to figure out. I am confidant they will figure out something.

This afternoon, I see a Snap post from someone who goes to the high school and its a teacher telling a kid "Nothing good happens when you talk" Yes, Im sure it was in a joking manner but I was shocked. Then I see a video from an Atlanta news station of a teacher that has been suspended because he was recorded telling a student some seriously messed up things. Ill post the link below..

Granted, the student may have been disrespectful and unruly...but when did it become ok for educators to say this type of shit to students?! Its NEVER ok!

When I think of teachers and those that work in the education field, I would like to think they do it because they are genuine in caring for children. They truly want to be a part in possibly changing a child's life. Thankfully, my children have had AMAZING teachers during their school years and to this day...with them being in their 20s and my last one graduating in June, they still talk about the impacts certain teachers have had on their lives today. I still keep in touch with them because they are that special and I cannot thank them enough for all they did to help and guide my kids while they were their students.

I dont understand why people that work in education (mostly high schools) feel like its ok to speak to CHILDREN in this manner. It hurts my heart. These kids spend more time with these teachers than they do their own parents. I feel its a responsibility of these teachers and educators to know what type of role they play in each student's life. You are there to teach, guide, listen, support and motivate these KIDS to be the best they can be, especially when these kids cant see that in themselves. It saddens me to see this kind of stuff happening. Of course, there will be trouble makers and disruptive students...but they are kids. I do NOT agree with any kind of abuse towards teachers, verbal or anything. However, as the ADULT...the TEACHER, you should know how to handle situations accordingly. If these teachers talk down to them, degrade them...how are they supposed to realize that they are worth better than that in life? No child deserves this...not even an 18 high school Senior that is a legal adult but still in high school trying to graduate. If a student's life at home is terrible, he/she should be able to come to school and feel safe and cared about. 

To all the educators that have had my children as students, I love you and I am forever grateful for the part you all have had in molding my children. Always supporting them, helping them and being there for them. For all the educators that I know, thank you for your caring and selfless ways. You are underappreciated so know that I appreciate you and what you do.

My last shout out is to the most amazing guidance counselor Ive ever known. Not only have 2 of my kids had this person but my son in law has too. This person made it possible for my kids (all 3) to graduate. He pushed them, he guided them, he goes out of his way to make sure his students know he cares for them. He has their back and does whatever he can so his "kids" WILL succeed. Ive never known an educator to be so invested in their students as he is. Just outstanding and he is definitely one educator that will be talked about and kept on a pedestal in my family for years to come.

Finally...THANK THE LORD that my last child is graduating in 7 mths! No more papers to sign, no more school hours and no more school drama. I will be done!

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